Main Goals of the Members?
• Learn. Come learn how other expert leaders rose up and strategies to move professionally forward.• Discover. Success stories and and ideas you did not know existed plus feedback on what works.
• Connect. Mingle with other top leaders to pick up on best practices, mentors, and ideas.
Who May Register and Join?
Registering automatically makes you a member for (12) months at no additional charge (included in the registration fee). We currently have three (3) membership types we assign below based on your role. For those interested in Sponsorship see that page for pricing:
• Regular Membership. CEOs, Presidents, Heads of Organizations (included with registration).
• Associate Membership. Executives and professionals on the rise (included with registration).
• Sponsor Membership. Companies who wish to solidify their brand with the CEO community. Be a Sponsor
About the Planning Organization?
The CEO Club is a fast growing membership organization of over 15,000 Leaders in executive and leadership positions who are committed to the development and advancement of Leadership in the corporate arena. Each of our (35) metro-based chapters features successful top local Leadership executives who volunteer to share their ideas, strategies, and what worked for them with other rising and aspiring Leadership at our monthly meetings or annual conferences. The co-planners of the events and meetings are:
The overall planning and funding of the CEO Club series is made possible by the Executive Summits which is dedicated to global best practices and holds over 90 major conferences with over 30,000 attendees yearly. The Executive Summits also operates a large number of best practices groups globally with over 90% of the Fortune 500 as members who benchmark and share best practices across most corporate functions.
May I Cancel?
Yes, you may cancel for a full refund up until a week before the event at which time we will have paid the hotel for your meal and seating costs which is most of the registration expense. You may wish to keep your registration as then you will automatically receive recordings of all the speakers and you will also have Access to the Leaders Community for a full year (new speakers monthly, articles, book of the month, mentoring access and more. If you still wish to cancel please start a chat.
Will Special Diet Meals be Available?
Yes, vegetarian/vegan meals will be available upon request (identify yourself to the hotel staff once seated).
May I Be a Sponsor or Speak?
Potentially yes, if your product or service adds value to the participants. Please see the Sponsorship page for more info. If you have a special story or topic that would inspire the audience please send it to Shelly@CEOClub.org for consideration
How Did You Find Me?
It is always from one of two sources. Either a past registrant suggested your name to be invited to this year's conference, or we researched your name, title and what you do on LinkedIn and thought you would be a good fit with the other attendees.
Are there Continuing Education Credit Hours (i.e. CEUs, CPEs, etc)?
Not automatically as credit approvals are state-by-state but you can manually submit the agenda in most states for credit. Also if you login you can print a completion certificate if needed for each speaker's presentation.
How Much is the Registration Fee to Attend?
Go the the Events page to view the registration fee.
Does the Location Ever Change after Registration?
Yes, on rare occasion the registration outgrows the hotel's available event room capacity where it makes sense to change to a hotel with a larger ballroom on that day. We encourage all registrants to check back on the site within 1-2 weeks of the event to verify the location for safety (you don't want to miss half the first speaker's message by the time you get to the right place).
When is the Next Meeting After This One?
Please see the Events page for a full list of monthly meetings in your chapter. Also keep in mind that when you register you will also receive benefits for a full year (live webinars with top leaders discussing what worked, videos of other Leaders from the association, articles monthly, book summary monthly, and access to the city's mentoring list, and much more all included). Many Leadership register even if they have a date conflict to be able to access these extended benefits throughout the year.
Registration Terms?
Our full attendee registration terms are located Here